Topographic Mapping

A major goal of the field trip is to produce a large scale topographic map of the Pakleni Islands. Existing and newly surveyed geodata will be gathered, processed and visualised. An emphasis will therefore also lie in the combination of topographic and marine cartography.

Open Data and VGI

Open (Geo)Data plays an important role in the map production process. In this context VGI data (Volunteered Geographic Information) will be addressed.

Navigation and GPS

GPS is important for navigation and data acquisition. Working methods and the functionality of GPS-devices will therefore play a key role to ensure a smooth workflow during field work.

Drone Assisted Surveillance

Where satellite imagery is insuffient to gather detailed information for large scaled maps, drone assisted surveillance can be an alternative. The processing and utilisation of drone surveillance based geodata will be part of the topographic mapping process.

Web Portal Development

In order to give an overview of the recorded results, a collective website will be produced where all topics and products of the excursion can be accessed. Special attention will be paid to functionality, usability and graphic design issues.

Video Documentation

Significant topics of the excursion will be documented via video (videoclips, Vlogs, short movies etc.). The usage of different (carto-)graphic media will be emphasized.